Drop-Off & Pick-Up

Our school day begins at 8 am and ends at 3:30 pm (1:50 pm on Wednesdays). Below you will find information about how to efficiently drop off and pick up your child.

We do not offer school bus transportation at Citizens, but we value the opportunity to interact daily with our students’ families and are pleased to offer quality extended care opportunities. Extended care is available between 7 am and 6 pm. Learn more on the Before & After-School Programs page.

Morning Drop-Off (between 7:45-8 am)

Families are encouraged to drop off all K-8 children through the drop-off car line that goes through the parking lot. To access this drop-off location, drive south on Central Street from 34th Street and follow the line of cars to the school staff and volunteers. Keep your child(ren) in the car until an adult opens the car door for the students. Drop-off begins at 7:45 am and will close at 8:00 am. As you leave the school parking lot, please turn right onto Armour Blvd. to keep traffic moving as quickly as possible.

All K-4 elementary students will enter through the back door for morning drop-off, including walkers, between 7:45-8:00 am. After 8:00 am, please walk your K-4 students to the front entrance to sign them in.

Middle school students (grades 5-8) will enter through the main entrance on Broadway.

We want to be good neighbors to Midtown residents. Please DO NOT block traffic on Broadway to drop off your child.

Afternoon Pick-up (3:30 Dismissal on Mon., Tues., Thurs., and Fri., 1:50 Dismissal on Wed.)

Please plan to pick-up your child in the same location each day to ensure that our dismissal process can run smoothly.

For students being picked up in the carpool line, cars should enter in the same manner as drop-off around the back of school on Central Street. You will share your child’s name with a staff member, and our staff members inside the school building will prepare your child for pickup as you follow the car line and approach the back door. As you leave the school parking lot, please turn right onto Armour Blvd. to keep traffic moving as quickly as possible.

For students being picked up as walkers, caregivers should arrive in the walk up area near the green benches by 3:30 pm (1:50 on Wednesdays). Children will be released to caregivers in this area after notifying their grade level teacher that you are present.

All students not enrolled in Camp Fire must be picked up no later than 3:45 pm.

For any dismissal changes, please email dismissalchanges@cwckansascity.org at least one hour prior to dismissal.

Camp Fire Pick-up

To pick up your child from the after-school Camp Fire program, please enter the school from the Broadway entrance and sign out your child. We will notify your child’s teacher that you have arrived and prepare your child for dismissal. Please allow up to 5-7 minutes for your child to pack up and meet you in the lobby.

Traffic Flow for Drop-Off & Pick-Up

School Starts


7:45 – 8:00am

School Ends


(Wednesday Early
Release at 1:50 pm)